The cloud may be costing your business more than it should. CFO says cloud computing costs will exceed $1 trillion by 2024 with a CAGR of 16%. The rate of billing growth for cloud services is a wake-up call for the C-suite to evaluate and track…
Enterprise organizations were slow to evolve to cloud technology from their legacy platforms and on-premise server rooms. But in the past five years, they’ve worked hard to catch up to the rest of the world, even if their efforts only encompassed…
The 4th industrial revolution is about to hit a new level where the real world melds with the Internet of Things (IoT). Called the “digitization of everything” by Investor News, this new reality will link everything from our identities to the items…
A distributed cloud-connected architecture allocates IT assets across multiple redundant systems encompassing on-premise, cloud, and everything in-between. There are many benefits to not putting all your IT eggs in one basket, but there also are…
It’s been said that big data analytics is just a fad and, like most other IT trends that have come and gone, will soon depart the revolving door that is IT innovation. Although an easy assumption to make based on decades of short-lived notions, big…
You’d be hard pressed to find any enterprise that didn’t consider its bottom line to be the ‘end all be all’, and frankly, why wouldn’t it be? Every single initiative, system, process, and employee of an organization is ultimately brought on to do…
Traditional outsourcing offers clients an option that allows a service provider to control and run a given infrastructure function on your company’s behalf. If you look at traditional data center outsourcing for instance, it typically consists of…
One of the most unexpected developments of computing in the 21st century is the distributed nature of technology. It was a given that computers in personal, micro, and mainframe formats would continue to grow more powerful over time. What no one…
Cloud computing is being incorporated into many corporate data infrastructures in recent years, and it’s easy to see why. By moving data—and even computational power—over to the Internet and allowing this information and functionality to exist…
Many IT leaders will probably admit that they’re spending too much on the day-to-day operational functions, like preventing existing systems from breaking down with ongoing maintenance and replacing or expanding capacity - essentially keeping the…
When it comes to cost-cutting initiatives, IT departments are often the first to get scrutinized and endure budget cuts, since IT is frequently perceived as an expense and not an investment. However, keeping pace with today’s intensely competitive…
There is no doubt that the adoption of a cloud strategy has become a key component of many organizations. A robust cloud strategy can, among other things, significantly lower IT costs, improve strategic allocation of IT budgets, and increase…
A new year is upon us. With that, experts of every kind drag out their crystal balls to come up with their predictions for the future. The world of enterprise IT is no different. Rapid changes in technology and within the industry bring a great…
Cloud computing has become a dynamic business trend and rightfully so - it has significant impact on the way you do business, now and into the future. And while it may be hard to imagine your company functioning without your legacy hardware,…
By now, it’s clear to any IT professional that there are many different applications of the cloud. While it’s important to have an understanding of the cloud and the various ways it can be utilized, it is also helpful to see how real enterprises…
With the cloud growing in popularity and capabilities, many organizations have made the decision to transition to this technology and begin their own cloud journey. Companies like The Hartford, Delhaize America, and Pearson, for example, have all…
Cloud computing solutions can provide tremendous strategic advantages because they offer scalability and flexibility critical for companies to survive and thrive, without the high cost of owning and managing physical infrastructure or even data…
Companies that take a strategic approach to adopting cloud computing services are strengthening their future position in their own marketplace. Your customers or clients are already there – riding high in the cloud for personal computing as well as…
Is the cost of cloud computing services rising? Results of the 2014 Future of Cloud Computing survey were released in June. They show enterprises are adopting cloud computing services in ever-greater numbers.
Executives surveyed cited agility,…
This just in: The state of Wyoming has announced it’s moving to the cloud. What does that mean for you? It’s no secret that government entities as well as private enterprise companies around the world are grappling with issues surrounding cloud…
Out of sight, out of mind. The cloud is invisible to users, so it’s easy to think of it as non-existent in some ways. That impression is exacerbated by industry hype that emphasizes the greater efficiency and savings of cloud computing for users –…
Security remains a primary concern for enterprises working to integrate cloud computing and data centers. Moving toward the cloud can bring significant efficiencies and increased agility, but it brings new security challenges as well.
Some risks…
Forrester Research reported a couple of years ago that corporate executives typically cited security fears as the primary reason they were avoiding any IT changes that would include cloud computing service providers. But, at the same time,…
Lack of control is often the most worrisome concern expressed by CIOs and CEOs who are considering partnering with cloud computing service providers. Usually, they aren’t worried about giving up total control of IT operations, because with any…
Executives responsible for managing both government entities and large global private enterprises continue to look for ways virtualization can help cut IT operating costs, increase efficiencies and eliminate wasteful redundancy throughout their…
Cloud computing services can save your data center money. But transitioning to cloud computing can bring greater efficiencies to your business operations, too. And every efficiency you can generate also translates to money saved. With that broader…
In a recent blog post, we quoted industry giant Cisco, to the effect that “server and data center workloads are moving to the cloud, and they’re not coming back.” The question isn’t if or when, it’s how cloud computing services will impact your…
From global warming on down to the details of everyday living, sustainability seems to be on everyone’s mind. In many industries, going green has become as important for corporate reputations as for the environment. Cloud computing and data centers…