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Preparing for the Digitization of Everything
The 4th industrial revolution is about to hit a new level where the real world melds with the Internet of Things (IoT). Called the “digitization of everything” by Investor News, this new reality will link everything from our identities to the items…
Coming to a City Near You: Ransomware
Ransomware is perhaps one of the most troubling of all black hat hacker threats. The idea that an external hacker bent on malfeasance can penetrate a network and lock down an infrastructure until a ransom is paid is terrifying. It’s also shocking…
Copy Data Management: The Final Puzzle Piece for Virtual Data Center
Although it has only surfaced in recent years, copy data management (CDM) is continuing to grow in popularity within the IT community. About 5 years ago, organizations became acutely aware of the high costs, time allotment, and complexity…
Can You Enhance Customer Service By Transforming IT Infrastructure?
  Consumer influence has, and will continue to play a fundamental role in the shaping of today’s competitive climate. With the large majority of interactions, engagements, and purchases occurring through digital channels, modern enterprises must…
Transforming Real Businesses: Outsourcing, Data Centers, and the Cloud
You’d be hard pressed to find any enterprise that didn’t consider its bottom line to be the ‘end all be all’, and frankly, why wouldn’t it be? Every single initiative, system, process, and employee of an organization is ultimately brought on to do…
Is Your IT Winning in the Age of the Customer?
Do you remember when ‘the customer is always right’ was the staple of every business? Well, while the verbiage has evolved to reflect a more reciprocal, mutually beneficial relationship, the concept has stayed relatively the same; to best serve…
What’s New in Data Centers? CIOs Should Take Notes
Just when you thought you were up to speed on the latest and greatest in data center solutions, a new wave of emerging technologies and trends has surfaced. As more services move to the cloud, enterprises have been forced to build more data…
Solving for Now or Planning for the Future: A CIOs Dilemma
CIOs are on the front line in the war against digital disruption, and many are facing an uphill battle. Amazon, the undisputed leader in cloud computing technology, alone has catapulted today’s digital business era so far forward that long-…
Here's What CIOs Need to Hear about Bimodal IT
In 2014, Gartner unveiled its new ‘Bimodal IT’ model to the industry in the hopes of addressing the challenges faced by modern enterprises in today’s digital world. Described by Gartner, “bimodal IT is the practice of managing two separate,…
Managed Hybrid Cloud Computing: The "New" Outsourcing
  Traditional outsourcing offers clients an option that allows a service provider to control and run a given infrastructure function on your company’s behalf. If you look at traditional data center outsourcing for instance, it typically consists of…
How to Achieve and Manage Agile Transformation
The large majority of modern enterprises have begun to pursue agile transformation in an effort to better support today’s digital business demands. However, achieving agile is not as simple as implementing a new application into your infrastructure…
Risks of Operating Your Own Enterprise Data Center
Psychologically, there’s an inherent sense of control and security that comes from owning and operating your own data center. Obviously the biggest advantage is one of convenience. This is your data center, it is at your beck and call, and its…
Common Fears When Considering Moving to an Outsourced Data Center
The decision to outsource a data center rather than maintain one yourself can be quite beneficial for a company in the long run, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. After all, running and maintaining your own data center is an immensely complex task…
Benefits of Data Center Outsourcing that are Often Overlooked
Data center outsourcing continues to gain popularity among large enterprises and rightfully so; there are many operational and financial benefits to embrace. Companies continue to look to data center outsourcing as a solution because of increasing…
Strategies for Reducing IT Costs Without Losing Efficiency
When it comes to cost-cutting initiatives, IT departments are often the first to get scrutinized and endure budget cuts, since IT is frequently perceived as an expense and not an investment. However, keeping pace with today’s intensely competitive…
3 Big Data Predictions for 2016
With so many emerging technologies and trends to track, the promises and predictions about big data can be enticing to look at. Each New Year brings an added level of pressure for CIOs and IT procurement teams to leverage big data in new ways, in…
3 Enterprise IT Predictions for 2016
A new year is upon us. With that, experts of every kind drag out their crystal balls to come up with their predictions for the future. The world of enterprise IT is no different. Rapid changes in technology and within the industry bring a great…
4 Things to Consider When Making a Data Center Outsourcing Decision
Choosing to outsource your data center is a big decision for any enterprise. In order to effectively reach an enlightened decision as an IT leader, you ultimately need the data to support it. To help you reach your decision regarding sourcing your…
What Exactly Is A Software Defined Datacenter?
The latest -- and some say the greatest -- development in IT is the software-defined data center, or SDDC, a concept that was introduced in 2012. In an SDDC, networking, storage, CPU and security are all virtualized and delivered together as a…
Datacenter Outsourcing Leads to An ‘Innovation-First’ Business
In today’s fast-changing business environment you’re either moving forward or you’re falling behind. Creative innovation is no longer considered solely the province of those on the extreme cutting edge, it has become a necessity of life for large…
Datacenter Outsourcing Trends in 2015
As this year draws closer to an end, we’ll undoubtedly see a spate of predictions as to where data center outsourcing is headed in 2015. A look back at recent past predictions gives us a good idea what many of those data center outsourcing trends…
How Much Does Datacenter Outsourcing Save On Cooling Costs?
If cooling costs are taking a hefty bite out of your data center operations budget, you’re not alone. Forrester Research says power and cooling typically represent 70% to 80% of data center expense. That’s one reason a growing number of companies…
When Should a Company Migrate off Their Own Data Centers?
With so many enterprises across all key industries migrating off their own datacenters, you may be wondering if it makes sense for you. When is the right time to take this transformative step and engage datacenter outsourcing services? The answer…
What Datacenter Outsourcing Does for the Insurance Industry
The insurance industry, especially healthcare, is under intense pressure to safeguard patient health information as well as internal enterprise data. Nowhere is regulation more pervasive, and nowhere are the stakes higher. Data center outsourcing…
How Datacenter Outsourcing Makes Failover Scenarios a Breeze
Private enterprise or governmental entity, you cannot afford systems that fail, however briefly. Inevitably, though, it happens. When it does, you need to recover and get back to business as quickly as possible. Data center outsourcing can give you…
Questions To Ask When Looking For Datacenter Outsourcing
The longer you wait to modernize your enterprise IT, the more complex your decision-making process will be. Today’s broader range of alternatives for data center outsourcing services brings greater opportunity to find a custom fit, but comparing…
Don't Outsource Your Datacenter Without Doing This First
Are you sure outsourcing is the right direction for your enterprise? And exactly what type of “data center outsourcing” do you need? You wouldn’t depart on a long road trip without a full tank of gas and a map, you wouldn’t jump out of an airplane…
The Data Center Consultant Every CIO Dreams of Finding
Are you planning to build or expand a new data center? Are you wishing your organization could find a viable alternative to data center operations as you currently know them? A data center consultant could be your most strategic investment. If,…