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The One Skill that Makes a Data Center Consultant an Expert
Is there a single skill that makes a data center consultant an expert? Of course not. It takes a lengthy list of specialized skills and experience to make someone a true expert in any subject. The question is, though, what one of those skills makes…
Data Centers with Cloud Computing Services, How Secure are They?
Security remains a primary concern for enterprises working to integrate cloud computing and data centers. Moving toward the cloud can bring significant efficiencies and increased agility, but it brings new security challenges as well. Some risks…
How to Reduce IT Infrastructure Costs the Right Way
In our last post, we offered five tips on how to reduce IT infrastructure costs. We noted there are myriad opportunities to curb expenses and gain efficiencies – certainly more than five – and we also noted that how you approach cost cutting can…
Data Center Outsourcing Improves Company's Sustainability
Every company wants to grow, no matter what they do, how long they’ve been in business or how big they already are. But in recent years it’s become obvious that the old cliché “only the strong survive” is more on-point than ever. Prophetic, even.…
Why Data Center Outsourcing Works For The Public Sector
The reality is, there isn’t that much difference between operating a data center within a corporate environment and managing a publicly-funded data center. If you’re in the public sector, understanding opportunities available via data center…
5 Questions to Ask Your Data Center Consultant
A data center consultant can give you as much or as little help as you want. But whether you’re looking for guidance with a comprehensive transformation or you need advice about a specific challenge you’re experiencing, you need the right data…
Data Center Outsourcing: Current Trends In The Industry
Keeping up with trends in data center outsourcing is no easy task. It’s an environment in which change has become the very definition of normal. The technology industry research giant Gartner predicted the worldwide IT outsourcing market would…
Data Center Outsourcing: Factors To Consider
There are many reasons to consider data center outsourcing. Companies all around the world have taken this step to improve productivity and predictability, reduce operations expenses and total cost of ownership and free up capital funds.   CIOs…
5 Ways A Data Center Sourcing Advisor Can Make Your Move Easier
You know that a sourcing advisor can help you find the right provider for an IT function such as data center operations. But that’s just part of the picture. If you only need assistance with one specific aspect of your IT transformation, they’re…
5 Ways Outsourcing Data Center Operations Saves Money
The bigger your company, the more data you have to manage and store. Even for smaller companies, data is rapidly expanding, at an unprecedented rate. That fact of business life is driving some very serious concerns, because growing data center…
Security for Data Center Outsourcing vs Internal IT
Data center outsourcing can take you outside your business comfort zone, not just outside your company’s physical plant. Typically executives considering a significant change are especially interested to know what the security implications will be…
Why Data Center Outsourcing Is An Investment, Not An Expense.
Any seasoned executive knows that old saying “you have to spend money to make money” is true. But only if you apply it judiciously. And only if you spend smartly. You have to maximize the value of every dollar – turning it into an investment that…
The Biggest Problems Faced By Data Center Management Officers
The flood waters are swirling and rising all around you. You can’t run away. It’s dragging you down. You wake up in a cold sweat . . . Relax, it’s just a recurring nightmare, brought on by Big Data, the bane of data center management…
Build or Outsource Data Center: What To Consider
Your company is growing, and that’s a good thing. But the more you grow, the more data center space you need. If you’re a multinational, or at least managing multiple locations, your problem may be increasing exponentially. So you’re faced at a…
5 Reasons to Outsource Your Data Center
Is it time you joined the growing legion of corporate executives who’ve discovered that outsourcing your data center is an advantageous solution? They’ve learned that outsourcing can be more than a viable alternative, it can be a very savvy…
Here's Why Data Center Outsourcing Is The Best Way To Go
Competitive advantage. Cost reductions. Increased productivity. Expanded services. Higher quality. Greater reliability. Cutting-edge technology. Data center outsourcing can do it all. In a world where everything seems to be increasingly expensive…
7 Most Popular Reasons for Data Center Outsourcing
Data center outsourcing has broad value, so there are many reasons you might want to investigate this opportunity. Different reasons may be more compelling for different segments of your enterprise, but the composite picture is one of all-around…
5 Things to Know About Data Center Outsourcing
It seems like everywhere you turn you’re reading about the growing trend toward data center outsourcing. Maybe your own CIO or other IT staff have suggested it’s time to investigate alternatives. Or maybe you are the CIO and you want to convince…
Latest Data Center Outsourcing Trend
The biggest single trend in data center outsourcing is outsourcing itself. As companies scramble to retain their competitive edge in an increasingly difficult and slippery global environment, executives are making smart decisions to take advantage…
3 Outsourcing Data Center Benefits You Must Consider
The strategic and financial benefits associated with outsourcing data center operations can be substantial and wide-ranging. Which of these benefits are most attractive for your company depends on your current situation, your size and structure and…
5 Trends That Support The Case For Outsourcing Your Data Center
Top corporate executives are becoming more personally involved in IT planning and decision-making, as companies wrestle with the need for transformation. Decisions you make now about changes such as outsourcing your data center will directly affect…
Is IBM Mainframe Outsourcing Right for Your Company?
Establishing whether or not IBM Mainframe outsourcing is right for your company is a simple matter of weighing the costs versus the benefits. Both functional and financial considerations have to show an aggregate “plus” to make the move worthwhile…
3 Data Center Outsourcing Costs To Consider
Making the right decisions about data center outsourcing involves the same sort of cost-benefit analysis you’d use to evaluate other potential initiatives. Sometimes that process is fairly straightforward, but in the case of data center operations,…
5 Data Center Outsourcing Trends To Watch Out For
As we move into the new year, industry-watchers are revealing their predictions about business trends for 2013. Given the fact that many companies are looking closely at making IT changes that could bring about dramatic business transformation,…
How Data Center Outsourcing Can Reduce Your Operational Cost
Reducing operational costs is one of the primary reasons so many companies around the world are opting for outsourcing. Even the smallest business needs to watch the bottom line. But if you’re a very large company that operates in multiple locations…
5 Questions To Ask Before Outsourcing Your Data Center
You’ve assessed your current IT infrastructure. You’ve compared existing capabilities to long-term corporate goals as well as IT-specific objectives targeted toward those goals, so you know where you stand. You want to make some changes and you need…
Mainframe Outsourcing vs Internal Management
You’re considering Mainframe outsourcing as a solution that could help you reduce ongoing IT operations expenses but keep service levels intact or even improve them. There are some things you may not know, however, and for a decision this sweeping…
The Case For Mainframe Outsourcing: 5 Factors To Consider
According to The Outsourcing Institute, there are many reasons companies choose outsourcing. But let’s face it. When it comes to IT infrastructure, especially your Mainframe system, you’re responsible for improving and expanding service levels and…