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How Your Security Team Can Enable Digital Transformation
Cyber-crime is a real threat to any business competing in the digital space, with over 1.5 million cyber-attacks occurring each year. That number equates to roughly 4,000 cyber-attacks every day, 170 attacks every hour, or nearly 3 attacks every…
Outsourcing in the Utilities and Energy Sector
According to recent industry reports, the annual contract value (ACV) for outsourcing engagements within the utility industry jumped 24 percent since 2014, outpacing the next closest industry by more than double. While outsourcing offers a number…
Addressing IT challenges in Cyclical Industries
While some industries are known to be more stable and predictable, others are notorious for being more volatile and cyclical. Largely influenced by external forces such as market price and environmental factors, businesses working within a cyclical…
Can You Enhance Customer Service By Transforming IT Infrastructure?
  Consumer influence has, and will continue to play a fundamental role in the shaping of today’s competitive climate. With the large majority of interactions, engagements, and purchases occurring through digital channels, modern enterprises must…
What to Consider Before Implementing a DRaaS Model
As we move deeper into ‘the age of the customer’ organizations must possess the necessary business continuity to effectively serve and support customers, regardless of varied market conditions or unforeseen disastrous circumstances. Robust disaster…
The Importance of Investing in the Right Vendor Relationships
None of us can solve for the ever-changing challenges of IT alone, there are far too many complexities and intricacies that require the specialization and expertise of various organizations, departments, and teams. With that said, establishing…
Transforming Real Businesses: Outsourcing, Data Centers, and the Cloud
  You’d be hard pressed to find any enterprise that didn’t consider its bottom line to be the ‘end all be all’, and frankly, why wouldn’t it be? Every single initiative, system, process, and employee of an organization is ultimately brought on to…
Driving Digital Business: Is your Mainframe Ready?
In order to succeed in today’s digital era, IT organizations must adopt a new way of thinking that embraces the next generation in technology. The world we live in today looks much different than it did 10 years ago, and as technology continues to…
Is Your IT Winning in the Age of the Customer?
Do you remember when ‘the customer is always right’ was the staple of every business? Well, while the verbiage has evolved to reflect a more reciprocal, mutually beneficial relationship, the concept has stayed relatively the same; to best serve the…
Solving for Now or Planning for the Future: A CIOs Dilemma
CIOs are on the front line in the war against digital disruption, and many are facing an uphill battle. Amazon, the undisputed leader in cloud computing technology, alone has catapulted today’s digital business era so far forward that long-…
Cost Optimization: Enabling Digital Business
Market demands, business needs, and the role of CIOs are in a state of constant change, but reducing IT costs is an area that is always under relentless scrutiny by CIOs and business leaders alike. With the rise of digital, modern enterprises have…
Here's What CIOs Need to Hear about Bimodal IT
In 2014, Gartner unveiled its new ‘Bimodal IT’ model to the industry in the hopes of addressing the challenges faced by modern enterprises in today’s digital world. Described by Gartner, “bimodal IT is the practice of managing two separate,…
Managed Hybrid Cloud Computing: The "New" Outsourcing
  Traditional outsourcing offers clients an option that allows a service provider to control and run a given infrastructure function on your company’s behalf. If you look at traditional data center outsourcing for instance, it typically consists of…
Lead or Get Left Behind: How CIOs are Driving Digital Transformation
Consumer behavior has made a dramatic shift in the past decade, and within the IT industry, adapting to this shift has become a vital component to maintaining relevancy. Consumers have become more demanding and impatient than ever before;…
How to Achieve and Manage Agile Transformation
The large majority of modern enterprises have begun to pursue agile transformation in an effort to better support today’s digital business demands. However, achieving agile is not as simple as implementing a new application into your infrastructure…
Hyperconverged Infrastructure: Modernizing Your IT Strategy
Seems like only yesterday that servers, storage area networks (SANs), and virtualization were the topics of discussion in IT; and now, fast forward a few years, hyperconvergence is taking center stage. Hyperconvergence, which simply didn’t exist…
Virtualization and the Modern Enterprise
No piece of wisdom has ever been more true than, ‘the only thing that doesn’t change is change itself’, and in terms of the modern enterprise, this phrase could not more be applicable. As people, businesses, and technology advance, so too does the…
IT Transformation: Prepare Changes to How to Deliver IT Infrastructure
A somewhat ambiguous term in the industry, ‘IT transformation’ is used for a number of reasons.  IT transformation is most often used when making a significant change with the goal to improve capabilities, reduce IT costs, and/or mitigate risk.  If…
Achieving Greater Organizational Agility Through IT Service Providers
Achieving greater organizational agility and flexibility is an area of ongoing focus for many IT organizations. In addition, it has become critically important to an enterprise’s success to have the ability to adapt to a change in market, customer…
Helping CIOs Manage Priorities
As the IT landscape continues to evolve and progress, so too does the need for CIOs to adapt to shifts in market and business demands. CIO’s play a large role in the strategic alignment of IT with business, overseeing the implementation of newer and…
Transforming Your IT Cost Center to an IT Value Provider
IT departments are always challenged to reduce costs and improve services year over year.  In past years, the IT department added value by selecting, installing and maintaining IT hardware and software to be reliable, available and secure.  With…
How to Balance IT Budget Restraints and Stay Current
Many IT leaders will probably admit that they’re spending too much on the day-to-day operational functions, like preventing existing systems from breaking down with ongoing maintenance and replacing or expanding capacity - essentially keeping the…
Strategies for Reducing IT Costs Without Losing Efficiency
When it comes to cost-cutting initiatives, IT departments are often the first to get scrutinized and endure budget cuts, since IT is frequently perceived as an expense and not an investment. However, keeping pace with today’s intensely competitive…
Why "Rip and Replace" Shouldn't Be Seen As a Last Resort
For many CIOs, the term “rip and replace” is among the most dreaded in their vocabulary. It is thought of as a last resort strategy that should only be contemplated when absolutely necessary, or following a catastrophic technology failure. In…
3 Enterprise IT Predictions for 2016
A new year is upon us. With that, experts of every kind drag out their crystal balls to come up with their predictions for the future. The world of enterprise IT is no different. Rapid changes in technology and within the industry bring a great…
Introducing the Cloud as an Alternative for Your IT Infrastructure
Cloud computing has become a dynamic business trend and rightfully so - it has significant impact on the way you do business, now and into the future. And while it may be hard to imagine your company functioning without your legacy hardware,…
Big Data & Analytics Can Tell You About IT Infrastructure Cost
The explosion of big data presents insurance companies, financial institutions and other large enterprises with the proverbial double-edged sword – there is infinite insight and competitive value to be mined from all that data, but managing, storing…
Top 5 Reasons To Outsource Your Call Center To The Cloud
With customers ever more demanding, no enterprise can survive without superior customer service. For large companies in any industry, call centers have become ubiquitous – a central point of communications with customers where you answer sales…