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3 Top Questions CIO's Want to Know About Mainframe Outsourcing
Up until recently, price was considered to be a key differentiator used to separate one enterprise from another. However, now that the primary focus for most organizations is geared towards becoming more agile, efficient, and cost-effective, it’s…
Using Your Mainframe Systems to Maintain the Bottom Line
  While the primary focus for most IT leaders is geared towards IT transformation and adopting the systems and applications that will allow them to better support today’s digital demands, the IBM z Systems™ mainframe remains the foundation for the…
Driving Digital Business: Is your Mainframe Ready?
In order to succeed in today’s digital era, IT organizations must adopt a new way of thinking that embraces the next generation in technology. The world we live in today looks much different than it did 10 years ago, and as technology continues to…
Benefits of Mainframe Outsourcing When Faced With An Aging Workforce
As the age of retirement approaches for the mainframe workforce, an entire knowledge-base is at risk of being lost forever. There are many companies, such as financial institutions, insurance carriers and telecommunications corporations, that rely…
Does Mainframe Outsourcing Still Make Sense In the Cloud Era?
One of the most unexpected developments of computing in the 21st century is the distributed nature of technology. It was a given that computers in personal, micro, and mainframe formats would continue to grow more powerful over time. What no one…
Critical Steps to Take for Successful Mainframe Outsourcing
The decision to go with mainframe outsourcing is a large one, and, ultimately beneficial to a company from both a cost effectiveness and efficiency standpoint. But these benefits will only come with good understanding and proper planning for the…
How Mainframe Outsourcing Can Boost ROI
  It’s no secret that more and more companies are turning to mainframe outsourcing as a valuable business solution. Since many of the key applications have evolved over the years to meet increasingly intense business demands, CIOs are looking to…
Why "Rip and Replace" Shouldn't Be Seen As a Last Resort
For many CIOs, the term “rip and replace” is among the most dreaded in their vocabulary. It is thought of as a last resort strategy that should only be contemplated when absolutely necessary, or following a catastrophic technology failure. In…
5 Signs to Migrate Away from Mainframe Ownership Outsourced Solution
With the onset of cloud computing and mainframe outsourcing, it means that there is less and less need for businesses to continue investing in legacy IT systems. Unless your mainframe is a strategic part of your overall business plan, it might be…
Hurdles to Avoid When Migrating Your Mainframe to Outsourced
Outsourcing mainframe technology has proven to be an effective way to reduce an organization’s costs, increase agility, and refocus core business, among other benefits. Once you choose to transition your mainframe from in-house to outsourced, the…
The Math That Makes Mainframe Outsourcing Work
IT leaders are faced with increasingly difficult decisions every day as their IT environments become more complex and difficult to maintain. However, when making decisions regarding your enterprise’s IT, it’s essential to evaluate whether the…
History of the Mainframe and Its Present and Future in Business
Ah, the IBM Mainframe. Anyone who knows anything about IT has heard of the mainframe.  It was first developed for the centralized computer market as a big computer that could process big data.  It sounds simple enough, but the evolution of this…
Reducing Costs with IBM Mainframe Solutions
Transformation is top-of-mind with many IT managers these days, along with pressure from all sides to meet increasing – and increasingly diverse -- service demands. IBM mainframe solutions have traditionally been your mainstay, but also one of your…
How Can IBM Mainframe Solutions Help IT Management
If you’re like most large, global companies, you may have been using IBM mainframe solutions for several decades. You’ve come to rely heavily on your mainframes, and you trust them to keep your enterprise functioning. But like all technology, IBM…
Mainframe Outsourcing Providers: How to Choose the Best Fit
“Fit” can mean can have several meanings. Robust. Match. Appropriate. Prepared. When you’re investigating mainframe outsourcing providers, your goal should be to find one that meets every one of those definitions. That’s not an easy task. Why do we…
Several Hints When Looking into Mainframe Outsourcing Providers
Researching mainframe outsourcing providers should be an enlightening experience, not a rocky road. Here are some hints to smooth the way: Hint #1: This one’s obvious, but easy to overlook. Mainframe outsourcing providers differ widely in what they…
Keep This in Mind When Choosing Mainframe Outsourcing
Not all mainframe outsourcing providers are created equal. Perhaps that seems obvious, but it’s an important fact to keep in mind as you’re considering your options. And you do have options. Your job is to sift and sort, to find the right fit with…
Nearing the End of a Lease? Consider Mainframe Outsourcing
One of the financial considerations when contemplating mainframe outsourcing is indirect costs of things such as unfulfilled contracts. If you’ve been leasing mainframe equipment or data center facilities and you’re nearing the end of that lease,…
4 Mistakes with Mainframe Outsourcing that Could Break the Bank
The corporate imperative to do more with less permeates every aspect of your planning and decision-making. Mainframe outsourcing can help you creatively and strategically address that challenge, but if you don’t approach outsourcing carefully, you…
7 Reasons Why Mainframe Outsourcing Will Work for You
Whether or not mainframe outsourcing is a useful tool for your company depends on your specific business drivers, culture and preferences. But when you consider the fact that leading global enterprises have adopted outsourcing to improve overall…
What to Know about Mainframe Outsourcing Pricing Models
What will it cost? That’s a question you ask about any new purchase or endeavor. But when it comes to mainframe outsourcing pricing models, the answer is as complex as your enterprise-wide IT operations. What you need to know now is that things…
Determining The Mainframe Outsourcing That Works for You
You can learn many things about mainframe outsourcing from the experience of others. But since your circumstances and priorities uniquely define your enterprise, you have to assess mainframe outsourcing companies from your own distinct perspective…
Keys to a Successful Mainframe Outsourcing Policy
Maybe your policy up till now has been to avoid mainframe outsourcing, but it’s getting harder to justify that. Your costs continue to rise and the twin risks of legacy system obsolescence and retiring mainframe pros are growing more pressing with…
What are the Most Recent Mainframe Outsourcing Trends?
It’s not your father’s mainframe any more. Mainframe outsourcing may have initially gained acceptance in response to an imperative to reduce costs, but companies have learned there are other strategic advantages, too. Large global enterprises now…
Pros & Cons of Mainframe Outsourcing for B2B Companies
No operations scenario could possibly be ideal for every enterprise, so there’s no reason to automatically assume mainframe outsourcing is the right answer for your company. Nonetheless, mainframe outsourcing has been successfully implemented by so…
Mainframe Outsourcing: How to Future-Proof Your Mainframe
It’s possible that up till now you haven’t worried about your mainframe’s future. Sure, big data is an issue. You’re processing vastly more transactions than ever. But that’s the beauty of mainframes, they can handle big workloads. Why would you…
How Much Does a Mainframe Outsourcing Consultant Cost?
You can’t make strategically sound decisions about mainframe outsourcing unless you’re equipped with state-of-the-marketplace intel and insight. This is precisely why it’s valuable to work with an outsourcing consultant who has specific mainframe…
If Your Mainframe Expert Retires Outsourcing May Be for You
If your most skilled and experienced in-house mainframe expert is about to retire, it’s time to take a closer look at mainframe outsourcing. Your problem isn’t merely that a single individual is moving on. It’s the fact that many -- if not the…