Just a few short months ago, economists predicted the V, a short-term, sharp economic dip, followed by a brisk recovery. Now, well into the third quarter, with COVID-19 showing few signs of slowing, it’s clear we’re in more of a U-shaped economic…
While you’ve been busy worrying about the bottom line, cybercriminals have been quietly probing your vulnerabilities within the context of your COVID-19 distraction. Just ask the World Health Organization (WHO), who publicized the news of an…
It’s a safe assumption that most business continuity plans didn’t extend to the idea of a global pandemic. For the sheer scope of business impact, COVID-19 is like nothing we’ve ever seen before. This event has redefined how the c-suite must…
There is a clear designation between “before COVID” and post-pandemic. It’s a fundamental schism defining how we live and work in our new socially distant society. The implications are still being determined, but one thing is clear: there is a new…
The Harvard Business Review paints a dire portrait of the effects of the COVID-19 virus on global supply chains. The first wave of manufacturing shutdowns in China and overseas created a scarcity of raw materials affecting U.S. manufacturers. By…
CEOs are living in “interesting times.” They are currently being battered by economic, supply chain, and workflow disruptions that, in the U.S., are likely just getting started. Although executives with a few years under their belts will likely…
The 4th industrial revolution is about to hit a new level where the real world melds with the Internet of Things (IoT). Called the “digitization of everything” by Investor News, this new reality will link everything from our identities to the items…
From edge computing to artificial intelligence (AI), changes to our digital infrastructures are constant. Far from being in a back office server room, today’s operational infrastructures are everywhere — edge locations, in the cloud, collocated,…
A distributed cloud-connected architecture allocates IT assets across multiple redundant systems encompassing on-premise, cloud, and everything in-between. There are many benefits to not putting all your IT eggs in one basket, but there also are…
Ransomware is perhaps one of the most troubling of all black hat hacker threats. The idea that an external hacker bent on malfeasance can penetrate a network and lock down an infrastructure until a ransom is paid is terrifying. It’s also shocking…
Blockchain has become a buzzword as evocative as the phrase “artificial intelligence.” Every marketer throws out blockchain as the hottest technology, but the reality is, it’s often used more like a keyword over a real-time, actionable technology…
Digital transformation has changed more than our processes and products; it’s changed the job descriptions of everyone from front line personnel to the c-suite. Enterprise chief executive officers (CEOs), for example, have evolved beyond managing to…
If you’re in executive leadership today, it’s safe to assume that the world is watching. It’s also a solid assumption that economic and crisis management experts will review this time period for years to come to learn what works and what doesn’t in…
Digital transformation has certainly been a source of disruption among technology leaders — and that’s not expected to change any time soon. Digital technology will continue to heavily impact organizations throughout the next decade, but it is the…
Many enterprise organizations are leveraging robotics process automation (RPA) to automate workflows, reduce costs, and improve worker efficiency. Automation is controversial; even the idea of automation can cause anxiety among employees who worry…
Advances in digital technology have shaped the way many industries conduct business and interact with their customers — and healthcare is no different. The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital transformation, but it is by no means complete.…
More than a decade after the cloud became a stable figurehead in the IT universe, enterprise organizations finally embraced the model. Today, most large-scale organizations have adopted hybrid and multi-cloud models to modernize their remaining on-…
80% of all enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2025, according to Oracle. Enterprise organizations are increasingly establishing hybrid IT models to maximize their existing in-house equipment while using the cloud to stay more agile and…
Enterprise organizations are increasingly seeking hybrid IT models that incorporate both in-house technology resources and cloud-based services. It’s the opposite of the risk-laden “eggs in one basket” approach. The hybrid cloud market is expected…
Quantum computing is (almost) here. In October, Google’s quantum computing lab took just minutes to solve a math problem that would have taken 10 millennia for a supercomputer. Or, at least that’s what they reported. In rebuttal, IBM publicly…
There will come a time when machine learning algorithms normalize within the developer stack. Today, machine learning is a growing specialization in computer science. Like the application program interface (API) layer, the science inherent in…
Containerization is about to get an upgrade. Although the idea of running deployments in the protected environments found in Docker, Kubernetes, or Amazon’s Elastic Container Service (ECS) is attractive, in practice, there have been a few…
Adopting agility into stodgy enterprise technology infrastructures is the new imperative for CIOs. The push is to change best practices, product delivery, and the overall end-user experience to better model many of the startup organizations that…
It’s no secret that IT has moved beyond just keeping the lights on. Today’s IT infrastructures require more than budget management and cost allocation. CIOs now need a transparent framework for managing multiyear projects aimed at digital…
IT service management (ITSM) firms work to employ a set of best practices to efficiently manage technology architectures. The cloud became a huge disruptor for ITSM by virtualizing the large physical data center into architectures infinitely more…
Today, the majority of enterprise organizations have at least part of their data in a cloud-based model. This article will help you understand the popular hybrid cloud architectures and what your business needs to know to build and deploy this…
Securing data in transit is just as important as the security of data at rest. We know that the benefits of storing and leveraging data in the cloud is the scalability and accessibility that comes with these models. There are dozens of articles…
Preventable security breaches cost American companies millions annually. Most C-suite execs are well aware of the risks of data insecurity simply because some of the biggest names in commerce are making the news for all the wrong reasons. Big…